James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Your February Search performance for fuckeduphuman.net
2 messages

Google Search Console Team <sc-noreply@google.com>Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 12:10 PM
Reply-To: Google Search Console Team <sc-noreply@google.com>
To: inthemindway@gmail.com
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Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 8:00 PM
To: "The Mouse Trap : attorney-timothy-peter-prince.fuckeduphuman.net - Not A Joke - Not To Harass - To Induse An Honest Response - The Game Is Over" <tprince@tprincelaw.com>

Mr. Attorney that does not scare me,

You have already shown your hand,

Human first, attorney last,

Timothy Peter Prince,

I have a gift I purchased from Urbandictionary which costs $35 and you will receive this gift.

You issue a cease and desist order just like Foothill Aids Project [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net ],

This place on the web exists.  You can't issue a cease and desist order to block out the rational truth, Mr. Prince.

Because you do not want to hear the truth, to then have moral agency, and to give you culpable deniability.

That is not possible in this paradigm.

You have an external memespace container folder with materials that are under your real full legal name. 

Granted, I have not fixed the spelling of your name in http://persons.fuckeduphuman.net/Timothy.Pete.Prince/

Truly look below. It is not about hit counts extreme.  It is about quality over quantity.

It is showing here in this report from Google's Search Console, that my number #1 site for 

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I am lowkey -- but I am here none-the-less.

What we have here is a different paradigm and that my presence on the informational society must be considered before you go half-cocked

thinking this is the same as all of the rest that you can just push off out into a kangaroo court to bully me into surrendering this matter of

bringing the truth of a conspiracy forward.

You can't escape the binding of #Mpatapo that is here holding you --- you can leave it on the web for the duration it is not hitting popularity clicks.

I was not much popular in the high school crowd click either.  But none-the-less, I am a human being that has a story that is outrageous to tell,

This story is how the popular world of "mean people" have treated me, a bunch of childish gossiping queers and some political clout that keeps

them in an elitist position of being untouchable with people like you who know the truth and can't seem to get your head out of your ass

to realize the harm that has been and continues to a factor within our society of a great disturbance in the invisible force [ ref: Star Wars Universe ],

of the digression scale of #SocialTrust. That digression of trust eroded so badly it is calling the underlying tide of hate wake of #MassShooting.

Even with this international crisis -- we did not even get 5 days in a row without a mass shooting occurring.


Do go back and reset this relationship between us --- and fight for the cause of removing hatred

in our society, a peace agent rather than continuing this cloak and dagger routine that swear words are a 

level to which communications are harassing. A tone of bullying here is your issuance of a cease and desist

order that you can't defend honesty,  

Oh please Mr. Prince, this time we come to court, I am prepared to annihilate your argument standings

and if it is a different judge or the same judge in my prior harassment kangaroo court,

Dare I say it, the court is being manipulated.  Oh, I did say that already.

Posted on NPINO.COM for Doctor Eric Tomomi Shigeno,



Worried About Swearing Too Much? Science Says You Shouldn't Be

People who swear like a sailor are more honest and more intelligent, studies show.

January 14, 2020 6:00 AM


Mr. Prince,  Guaranteed,

You will look like a fool in court.  So too will the judge.

Where is the date of community affairs meeting to bring light the matter to which hate is addressed in this city, community, and the manner

that allows #GangStalking against me?

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